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Grade : BOP 1

Region : Available in All 3 Elevation ( High
Grown , Mid Grown , Low Grown

BOP 1 (Broken Orange Pekoe 1): Characterized by smaller, broken leaves,
BOP 1 emanates a strong aroma and delivers a bold taste. The dark brown cup
not only signifies its hearty flavor but also encompasses heart health benefits.

Ingredient : Black Tea

Packing : 35 Kg Packed in Paper Sack

Manufacture Method : Orthodox

Leaf Size : Orange Pekoe One – More Wiry than OP

Brewing Instruction
Boil water (200-212°F or 90-100°C).
Add 1 tsp of black tea leaves per 8 oz (240ml) cup.
Steep for 3-5 minutes.
Strain and serve. Enjoy plain or with additives like milk or



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